The movie also falls victim, somewhat, to the blessings and curses associated with the multiverse, which offers infinite possibilities but also the occasional sense that there are so many permutations none of them matter all that much. While the movie remains a dazzling experience in terms of what the animation achieves, it indulges in what feels like sensory overload, seeking emotional heft in ways that slow down the action. Coming almost five years later, “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” spins a much denser web, padding on about 40 minutes that make this exercise heavier and considerably less nimble. Ward, Sonya Maddox, Stan Lee, Steve Valentine, Sujeilee Candele, Tajna Tanovic, Tanya Bond, Ted Raimi, Theresa Russell, Thomas Haden Church, Tiffany L.The stunning visual palette of “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” soared in 2018, combining that eye-popping animation with an abiding love of the comics and plenty of goofy humor. Ramos, Rosemary Harris, Sandrine Marlier, Shade Rupe, Shaun Patrick Flynn, Silq Webster, Sincerely A. Simmons, James Cromwell, James Franco, Jen Oda, Jennifer Sparks, Jennifer Weston, Jessi Collins, Jim Coope, Jimmy Star, Joe Bays, Joe Manganiello, Joe Virzi, John Crann, John Paxton, Joseph O’Brien, Julie Jei, Kathryn Bryding, Keith Fausnaught, Keith Woulard, Kevin Fung, Kirsten Dunst, Kristin Somo, La Rivers, Laura McDavid, Liam Stone, Logan Fry, Lucy Gordon, Mageina Tovah, Marc Vann, Margaret Laney, Mark Kubr, Martha Millan, Michael Alexander, Michael Ciesla, Michael McLaughlin, Michael Papajohn, Michele-Nanette Miller, Natalie Fabry, Natalie Jones, Natalie McNeil, Nick Poltoranin, Nick Vlassopoulos, Paul Edney, Paul Terrell Clayton, Perla Haney-Jardine, Pierangeli Llinas, Ramon Adams, Ray Wineteer, Reynaldo Gallegos, Robert Curtis Brown, Robert Myers, Rogelio T. Weich, Grant Curtis, Gregg Daniel, Hal Fishman, Irina Costa, J.K. Rogers, Bill Nunn, Brenna Roth, Bria Roberts, Brian Hopson, Brigid Turner, Brittany Krall, Bruce Campbell, Bryce Dallas Howard, Carolyn Neff, Christina Cindrich, Christopher Jude, Christopher Stadulis, Christopher Young, Chuck Gerena, Claude Jay, Claudia Katz Minnick, Cliff Robertson, Crystal Marie Denha, Daniel Gillies, Daniel Mignault, Daniel Shafer, David Backus, Dawn Marie Anderson, Dean Edwards, Derrick ‘Phoenix’ Thomas, Dylan Baker, Edward Padilla, Elizabeth Banks, Elya Baskin, Emilio Rivera, Emily Eckes, Eric Shackelford, Evelyn Vaccaro, Frank Anello, Fredrick Weiss, Graig F. Blake, Andrew James Jones, Angelis Alexandris, Anjelia Pelay, Anne Gartlan, Anya Avaeva, April Parker-Jones, Arick Salmea, Arne Starr, Becky Ann Baker, Bernadette Lords, Bill E.

Adelman, Abbey Skinner, Aija Terauda, Aimee Miles, Alyssa Lakota, Amy V.